vervolg van het vorige artikel:
According to the same comScore study as below:
Articles, Insights and Strategy on Online Video by You View TV.
vervolg van het vorige artikel:
According to the same comScore study as below:
Last month comScore published highlights of its video reporting for November 2008:
The last two points highlight the trend of 'video snacking': "more people, watching more videos, more often."
Ook in de sector van de adverteerders slaat de crisis toe. Zowat 93% van
de ondernemingen voelt de impact. Er wordt vooral minder geadverteerd op
tv, dagbladen, radio, cinema en affichage. Internet is dan weer de grote
winnaar van deze crisis.
Tot 20% minder:
Bij meer dan 90 procent van de bedrijven heeft de crisis invloed op de
mediakeuze en meer dan 80 procent vermindert het mediabudget met gemiddeld
10 à 20 procent. Dat meldt de Unie van Belgische Adverteerders (UBA)
vandaag. De Unie analyseerde samen met het onderzoeksbureau Profacts de
impact van de financiële en economische crisis op adverteerders en media.
Daartoe werd een uitgebreide enquête opgezet waarbij vooral gepeild werd
naar de geplande media-investeringen.
Tv-advertenties onder druk:
Bij de massamedia staat vooral televisie zwaar onder druk: netto 55
procent van de adverteerders verklaart in 2009 minder in tv te zullen
investeren. Daarnaast zal in dagbladen en magazines, cinema, radio en
affichage minder geïnvesteerd worden. "De grote winnaar is het internet,
waarin netto 37 procent van de adverteerders zelfs in dit crisisjaar extra
zal investeren", aldus de Unie van Belgische Adverteerders.
Bron: belga/mvdb, Februari 2009
Voor meer info over Online Video Advertising, mail:
You View TV, de makers van en
Last week, Nate Elliot at Forrester published an interesting blog post titled,"The Easiest Way to a First-Page Ranking on Google."
In his post, Nate discloses the results of a study/experiment that they conducted whereby a series of popular keyword searches were run
on the major search engines and the number of video results that were displayed were compared to that of regular HTML documents
and organic results (text results).
The results of the study indicated that on Google, an indexed video stands about a 50 times greater chance of ranking on the first page
of results than any given textual page in the index.
"Not only are video results increasingly common in Google's search results, but your videos stand a much better chance than your text pages of being shown on the first results page."
Source: Forrester Jan 2009
Mail You View Tv voor uw betaalbare Online Video Strategie:
De makers van o.a. en
New US Report Shows that Product Videos Work!
We know how effective online video marketing and video advertising can be for various industries and sectors across the board. One reason for this is that video can bring brands, products and services to life in a way that text and static images simply cannnot. As a result, we see that online video tends to offer high conversion rates as it offers a more compelling experience for users and can often provide the neccessary last push that a customer needs to actually make a purchase.
With the retail sector, a few companies have experiemented with product video marketing as another method to drive sales and traffic to their ecommerce sites. According to research from Internet Retailer, less than 60% of retailers surveyed had video on their websites in 2008. However, online merchants are making search engine optimization and video their top web site design priorities for 2009, with 43.3% of merchants stating that they will update their e-commerce sites with video this year.
Not only is online video for ecommerce growing in popularity amoung top retailer merchants, but according to comScore, the number of online shoppers who watch retail videos grew 40% in one year.
A new report being offered by eMarketer details the benefits of utilizing online video for products in ecommerce. The report is titled, "Video Usage in E-Commerce: The Best Is Yet to Come." According to the report, there are many benefits that result from offering product videos. Below are just a few of the benefits mentioned in the report:
Some retailers have been reluctant to embrace online video, in part, due to the notion that online video development is expensive. However, the benefits outway the associated costs and retailers are seeing the positive effect that ecommerce video can have on product sales.
"Nevertheless, seeing the sales lift from videos, retailers are exerting pressure on their suppliers to create video content," says Jeffrey Grau, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the report. "This may be the year the logjam breaks."