
The Easiest Way to a First-Page Ranking on Google.

Last week, Nate Elliot at Forrester published an interesting blog post titled,"The Easiest Way to a First-Page Ranking on Google." 

In his post, Nate discloses the results of a study/experiment that they conducted whereby a series of popular keyword searches were run 

on the major search engines and the number of video results that were displayed were compared to that of regular HTML documents 

and organic results (text results).  

The results of the study indicated that on Google, an indexed video stands about a 50 times greater chance of ranking on the first page 

of results than any given textual page in the index.

"Not only are video results increasingly common in Google's search results, but your videos stand a much better chance than your text pages of being shown on the first results page."

Source: Forrester Jan 2009

Mail You View Tv voor uw betaalbare Online Video Strategie: vincent@you-view.tv

De makers van o.a. www.Bobolino.tv en www.LetsCookit.tv.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/17/2009

    op Media Post Online net een vergelijkbare studie gezien, ze zeggen er wel bij dat je aanzienlijk meer kans maakt dankzij video maar dat je ook flink wat aandacht moet besteden aan de Meta tags die je met de video meestuurt.
